Importer CSV

Der CSV Importer kann CSV Daten aus Dateien oder via HTTP lesen und in einer :ref:Importer HTTP Schnittstelle bereit stellen.


# File to read from. In this case a example file shiped inside to t2core Container.
file: /trizwo-csv-exporter/examples/ca-500.csv

# skip this amount of lines on top of the CSV File
skip_first_lines: 1

# split lines to list of fields by this delimiter char. can be anything like ; or ,.
delimiter: ,


Read from (Example) File:

# File to read from. In this case a example file shiped inside to t2core Container.
file: /trizwo-csv-exporter/examples/ca-500.csv

# skip this amount of lines on top of the CSV File
skip_first_lines: 1

# split lines to list of fields by this delimiter char. can be anything like ; or ,.
delimiter: ,

Read from URL via HTTP:

# Url to read csv data via HTTP GET Request

# username used for http connection
username: my-username

# password used for http connection
password: my-complicated-pass

# auth method used for http connection
auth: digest

# skip this amount of lines on top of the CSV File
skip_first_lines: 1

# split lines to list of fields by this delimiter char. can be anything like ; or ,.
delimiter: ,