
Version sr2 141002

  • Update to Generic App 14r1 sr4

  • License is now required

Version sr1 141001

  • Update to Generic App 14r1 sr1

Version sr28 131022

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr29

  • Fix download of files from devices in innovaphone-cloud environments. The App now uses the Services API to access the devices over the devices app. If you migrate, recreate the PBX Object with the PBX Manager Plugin once to set the new API requirements.

Version sr27 131021

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr26

Version sr26 131020

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr23

  • Multiple Domain Usage disabled

Version sr26 131020

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr23

  • Multiple Domain Usage disabled

Version sr25 131019

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr20

  • Fix: UI problem with app licenses

Version sr24 131021

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr19

Version sr23 131017

  • Feedback in the UI on requirements regarding form field contents

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr18

Version sr22 131016

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr17

Version sr21 131015

  • Reset button: resets initial values

  • Report: Files available only on Pbx are loaded only from devices where a Pbx is active

  • Report: fixed bug when devices have no name or no network interfaces in Devices app

  • Report: Network interfaces are included as string in CSV, XML and JSON exports instead of [Object…].

  • Info/manufacturer: call is started by mouse click on call number

  • Listmaker: App licenses supported, requires PbxAdminApi permission

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr16

Version sr20 131014

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr15

  • It can be decided per entry whether it should only be displayed in the homescreen of the admin version of the app.

Version sr18 131012

  • UI improvements

Version sr17 131011

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr12

Version sr16 131010

  • UI improvements

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr11

Version sr15 131009

  • UI improvements

Version sr14 131008

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr10

Version sr13 131007

Version 0.2.1 20210915

  • skip loading report files from phones which are not from innovaphone and therefore do not provide the desired files or in other words do not provide a web interface via the sysclient connection.

  • use the MAC adress / Hardware ID of a device when it doesnt have a name configured at the devices app

  • Upgrade SDK from Build 136094 to 136155

Version 0.2 20210708

move app to JS SDK

Version 0.1.9 20200312

  • use the device API for all HTTP Requests. Fix for CrossDomain Requests, when this App is on antoher Domain as the Device App

Version 0.1.8 20191128

  • Field ‚User Groups‘ in Userlists, a comma separeted List of the group each User is in

Version 0.1.7 20191127

  • more Report Tasks of Gateways: Alarm and Events as XML, /!mem and /!mod, tcp and udp sockets

Version 0.1.6 20191126

  • more changeable Elements

Version 0.1.5 20191126

  • add a config editor to customize the app

Version 0.1.4 20191028

  • more Graph Layout changes

  • click on devices table row now opens the device in the devices app

Version 0.1.3 20191028

  • more detailed report creation

  • option to create reports without std-config

Version 0.1.2 20191027

  • Graph Layout and Labels (WIP)

Version0.1.1 20191025

  • registrations: only add elements with GUID to table data set

  • report: remove failed tasks from list of running tasks

  • respect filtered results, aka create report only from in table visible devices

  • respect filtered results, aka create json/csv/xml exports only from in table visible devices

  • get userinfos via API Update instead of get parameter

  • show User Avatar

  • add Users Email to Report Info

Version 0.1 20191025

Release 0.1

Version 0.0.12 20191025

  • domainId as colunm in listenmacher

  • Registrations at pbx now included in Reports as XML File

  • Registrations List

Version 0.0.11 20191024

  • UI

  • cleaner source

  • Home Page with details how to reach out to us

  • do not load devices if user has no access to devices api

Version 0.0.10 20191023

  • export of the datatables to JSON, XML, CSV

Version 0.0.9 20191022

  • Listenmacher

Version 0.0.8 20191021

  • fonts/icons for dataTable

  • create a visual Log while creating the Report

  • include the user export of a pbx as csv/xml

Version 0.0.7 20191018

  • skip loading of things from offline devices

  • show devices as online/offline instead of true/false

Version 0.0.6 20191018

  • fix problem with scope of vars while creating filenames

  • add date of creation to README

  • fix problem with whitespace in filenames not replaced by _

  • add version of app to README